The entire collection is exquisitely selected to suit each and every member of your family, from the adorable toddler to the career person hoping to look smart and to the mature adult wanting to make a bold personal statement.
We offer a complete range of eye services that you will be pleased to find are competitively priced. We promise to offer the best value and service, and will go the extra distance to ensure we deliver on this.
We understand that good vision is valued by everyone, and will spare no efforts in trying to enhance vision where possible. Your safety is paramount to us, and we take all necessary steps to ensure it. We further understand that your eyes are sensitive parts of the body and promise to deliver eyecare in a way that your visit is a pleasant and comfortable one.
When starting up this clinic we teamed up with the leaders in the eyecare industry, using only premium products. We believe we owe it to our patients to use only the finest equipment for better outcomes. While the use of premium products has a measurable effect in our visual outcomes, we have not added any extra cost to our consultation, a feature our patients will truly appreciate.
LASIK & Refractive Surgery for Myopia & AstigmatismLASIK (Laser In-SItu Keratomilieusis) is the most widely performed refractive surgery today, and with good reason too. It has an excellent safety record, its results predictable, it corrects a wide range of refractive errors, is essentially painless, and the recovery is rapid. read more
Glaucoma Screening & Surgery Glaucoma is considered an illness of the nerve conveying images from the eye to the brain. This is often, but not always associated with an increase in eye fluid pressure. The eyeball is “pumped” to a certain normal pressure by fluid production within the eye. In normal eyes, this pressure is often between 10-21 mm of mercury (mmHg). read more
Diabetic eye screening Diabetes is a common disease that may result in complications in the eyes. The changes occur mainly in the retina, the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye responsible for vision. As a result of prolonged elevated sugar levels in the blood, the delicate blood vessels in the retina become fragile and start to leak fluid and proteins into the retinal tissue. read more
YAG laser for vitreous floatersMany people experience vitreous floaters in their field of vision. These usually are seen as a shadow which follows the line of sight. They are variously described as insects, mosquitos, cobwebs or hair that may come and go in the line of sight. read more
Childhood screening for refractive errors and squints Singapore has one of the highest rates for myopia (short sightedness) in the world. A sad fact is that many of our young children of school-going age are already myopic, or have some other refractive error such as astigmatism (cylinder) or hyperopia (long-sightedness). read more
General eyecare and screening If you would like a complete eye exam, an eye assessment for a driver’s licence, or a medical second opinion, then an appointment is simply a phonecall or email away. read more
We believe in providing high quality care. To help achieve our goals for our patients, we have developed guarantees that explicitly communicate our commitment to achieving our goals.
We Guarantee,(1)DR.AZHAR QAZI personally meets each patient before performing surgery,We Guarantee,2) DR.AZHAR QAZI personally evaluates each patient to determine who is an appropriate candidate and who is not a candidate,We Guarantee,3) Dr. AZHARQAZI personally performs all surgeries himself, andWe Guarantee,4) DR AZHAR QAZI and his staff will address and answer each patient’s questions prior to a patient having surgery or a procedure.
Every one has the right to see the colors of life. It is the mission of Al-Shifa Trust to bring light into dark lives. Every day a child is enabled to see their mother for the first time - bringing joyful tears to all, vision is restored to jobless youths thus enabling them to become earning members of the family, and scores of elderly are helped to live their lives happily and independently. At lazer eye center we help retrieve the colors of life! "Yes I can see," this was the spontaneous response of 124 years old poor Mutalli, who was recently restored vision after a successful operation at lazer eye center .