Diseases: Curing attitudes of stigmatization
A disease is an illness that affects the body (a single area or the whole system) and/or mind within a single organism (World Health Organization). Basically when a person is in a diseased state, they are no longer classified by modern and traditional medical diagnosis as “healthy”. Some examples of common diseases worldwide are: Influenza A virus, Asthma, HIV/AIDS, HPV, Malaria, and Sickle Cell Anemia. In addition, diseases are generally classified into three categories, which include: Genetic, infectious, and non-infectious.
As is the case with most marginalized groups, people living with a disease(s) are often discriminated against on the basis of their illness. Some researchers...
The greatest challenge that the human ra
Conflict is generally classified in terms of both violent and nonviolent conflict. Violent conflict is generally associated as the use of force as a means to an end, while nonviolent conflict usually involves peaceful negotiation between conflicting groups or even mediation by an external (outside) group in order to work toward a compatible goal or resolution. Over time, nonviolent conflicts can erupt into direct force if a reasonable compromise is not reached.