Children'seye injuries

Since 1908, Prevent Blindness America has been the nation's leading volunteer eye health and safety organization with the sole mission of preventing blindness and preserving sight.Sixth Annual Investigator Awards Announced

Since the program's inception, Prevent Blindness America and its affiliates have awarded more than $500,000 to projects through its Investigator Award program.

Prevent Blindness America has released a new report estimating the costs associated with adult vision problems in the United States. The Economic Impact of Vision Problems: The Toll of Major Adult Eye Disorders, Visual Impairment, and Blindness on the U.S. Economy provides data on the individual and economic cost of eye disease and vision impairment.

Find the information you need to take care of your vision for life.
Thousands of eye accidents happen each day; 90 percent of these are preventable with the use of appropriate safety eyewear.

Because there are good eye safety regulations in the workplace, the home is the source of the fastest-growing number of eye injuries. Eye injuries are almost as great a danger to bystanders as the people using dangerous tools or chemicals in the home. Good eye protection is just as important for those watching you work as for the workers themselves