Laser Printer Ink Cartridges

Need new ink cartridges for your Laser printer? Then your at the right site that will inform you all about laser printers and laser printer ink toner cartridges.

Laser Printer Ink Cartridges

Need new ink cartridges for your Laser printer? Then your at the right site that will inform you all about laser printers and laser printer ink toner cartridges.

Laser Printer

A Laser printer is a common type of computer printer that was invented by Xeron in 1969, and by 1972 it was a fully functional networked printer. It has been around a long time giving itself plenty of advancements in technology. Laser printers rapidly produce high quality text and graphics onto a piece of computer paper. Today's common laser printers have a xerographic printing process that produces the image by direct scanning of a laser beam across the printer photoreceptor. There are many advantages of laser printer over analog photocopier or ink jet printers.

A laser printer can move very quickly and can write with much more speed than an ink jet printer, and with it's laser beam having an unvarying diameter it can draw more precisely without spilling excess ink. While they are slightly more expensive than your average ink jet printer they are cheaper to maintain.
How they work
A laser beam projects an image onto an electrically charged rotating drum. Photoconductivity removes charges from certain areas that are exposed to light, then dry ink particles are electrostatically attracted by the drums charged areas. The drum then prints the image onto a piece of paper by using direct heat and contact which fuses the ink to the paper.

After printing numerous amounts of paper the dry ink toners begin to run low, and eventually run out of ink. Without and ink in the ink cartridges the printer will not be able to print.

Time to change those empty ink cartridges
With today's new technology you can know you laser printers ink cartridges are low before they run out of ink. All companies have built in programs that allow you to know where your printer ink levels are at all times. Each time you print your printer will automatically put up a display on your computer showing your current ink levels. This tool is great for you so you don't run out of ink the night before you have to print a document without even knowing your printer was low.

•There are two ways to get full ink cartridges in your laser printer. You can ether buy a new ink cartridge or refill your current ink carridge. Laser Printer consist of a dry ink toner unlike ink jet printers that use wet ink, but the refilling consists of the same process.

-Refilling ink cartriges is the cheapest most economical way to restoring your printers ink levels. There are many places that offer ink cartridge refills such as Walgreen's, and existing printer maintenance shops. You can even refill you printers ink cartridges yourself with the proper kit. Research the Internet to find local stores that offer printer ink cartridge refills, or DIY refill kits. However not all printer are able to have printer ink cartridges refills.

-Buying a new ink cartridge is the most expensive way to replace your low ink levels in your printer. When buying ink cartridges straight from your printer manufacturer it can be very expensive compared to buying compatible after market ink cartridges. People who buy compatible non name brand cartridges often save anywhere from 50 to 70 percent. Some stores offer discounts off of new ink cartridges and toner when you recycle your old cartridges in to them.